12 A Week Challenge 2022
Event Write up
On Saturday the 19th November 2022, 74 participants started to clock up the miles by walking, running, horse riding, swimming, hiking, cycling and jogging. The 12 A Week Challenge took place during Raising Awareness Week which ran from 19th November-27th November 2022. Each of the 12 miles completed represented the 12 young sudden cardiac deaths that happen every week.
As the week went on, participants shared photos and updates of their challenge on Facebook and Instagram. Participants congratulated each other, shared their stories and reasons for taking part. For many participants, taking on the event was a mix of emotions as the miles were completed, remembering those who have suddenly passed away.
We heard stories from participants challenged themselves even more by walking 12 miles a day, 12 mile bike rides, 12000 m rows ,12 exercises ,12 rounds of boxing , 12 mile Horse Rides, 12 boxing rounds and many more.
In total, over 2,000 miles and activities were completed, which is a fantastic amount!
Congratulations and well done to everyone who completed the 12 A Week Challenge. Your efforts have been amazing and we are pleased to announce that a fantastic total of ยฃ14,260.00 has been raised to date, by all 74 participants. We are so grateful to each and every one of you who took part and to your friends and family who supported you through this challenge as raising awareness for CRY is vital.
If you have a write up and/or photos of you taking part, please send this to [email protected].