CRY County Representatives in Suffolk, Kate and Robbie Fox were hosts to QT Kanga and CRY Teddy in November.
Kate and Robbie met Julie, Gary. QT and Teddy following their trip on the bionic bus from land’s End to Johno’ Groats. having said their respective hellos and goodbyes they headed off for refreshments at the Eat Inn Restaurant in Wickham market. Whilst Kate and Robbie tucked into portions of Neill’s finest, Kanga got stuck in behind the counter – just managing to hold back any jokes about unhealthy “pommes”
Next day it was off to work at the Suffolk Police Air Operations where kanga and Teddy met G-SUFF the police helicopter and spent the day attending incidents with the crew.
They were invited to spend a shift with RAF 22 Search and Rescue Squadron, based at Wattisham Airfield. They watched winching training over the North Sea shipping lanes and visited and oil rig.
Many thanks to Suffolk Constabulary and 22 Search and Rescue for their hospitality