We are a group of fire fighters taking on a coast to coast cycle challenge in aid of CRY. The challenge will start and finish in Tynemouth taking in the Revieux cycle routes and C2C from Whitehaven in Cumbria.
The team consists of three riders; Gary Fleming, John Moulson and Richie Farrant and has had tremendous support from Nigel Grogan Audi of Chelmsford Coast to coast. The ride will start on the 12th of May and finish on the 16th having taken in approximately 300 miles.
We have all done a fair amount of cycling before and expect to make good time, but I think that this amount of time in the seat calls for a well padded saddle. We have been well supported in our challenge with our biggest supporter being Nigel Grogan Audi of Chelmsford who have loaned us ยฃ1800โs worth of bike for the challenge.
The Audi Quattro Mountain bike will be ideal for the challenge as it is constructed entirely from aluminium making it very light in weight. It also has full adjustable front and back suspension for the more challenging parts of the route. Audi are keen for us to put the bike through its paces and we will do our very best to achieve this. In training the bike has proven to be comfortable and reliable, gear changes are very precise and the ratios suit a wide range of terrains.
All in all the entire ride will be all the more enjoyable due to the quality of the bike that Audi have loaned. For accommodation during the ride we intend to try and stay at Fire Stations wherever possible to keep costs down. Essex County Fire and Rescue Service have supported us with a minibus for the ride to get us there and back. Fundraising will take the form of street collections and work place donations. Our families have been suitably stripped of all loose change.