Unexpected Tragedies

Sudden death syndrome is a

subject always reported emotively

When a young and

apparently fit person dies unexpectedly of heart failure, it is always

shocking and upsetting . Sudden death is defined as unexpected death

occurring as a result of natural causes in which loss of all functions

occurred instantaneously or within six hours of the onset of symptoms or

collapse (Shama et al,British Journal of Sports Medicine.)

Sport blamed

As a number of these

deaths happen to sports people, reports of the death often try to lay the

blame at the door of the sport- the intensity of the training regime,

training when ill, and even drugs.

However, sudden cardiac

death in young people is most frequently unrelated to the sport.

The weakness in the

heart is present and the heart attack could come at any time-even just

running up the stairs.

Inherited problems

Accurate statistics are

not available, but experts estimate that up to eight young people die

suddenly each week in the UK of cardiac abnormalities-sudden death

syndrome or sudden cardiac death. Approximately

80 per cent of all non