Adrian's message to his son โ€“ poem by Kathryn Badon

Adrian Badon's sonAdrianโ€™s message to his son

Welcome to the world dear Drey
So sorry Iโ€™m not there,
It is as if we both were cheated
Of the things that we might share.
I did not choose to leave you
It was a cruel hand of fate
How sad for you my baby
To have a father who is late.
But rest assured Iโ€™ll be there,
Your guardian angel watching on,
Looking to protect you
When you need to be quite strong.
In the gentle breezes
That dance round you as you play,
Helping you to have purpose,
In all you do and say.
Reminding you each minute
Has importance on this earth.
None of us know our timing
To our death from hour of birth.
The only thing for certain
Is my fate will come to all,
And you must live your life with courage
Grasp opportunities as they fall.
Enjoy the simple pleasures,
But also deal with complex things,
Make the most of education,
It will give you social wings.
Try hard my son, and donโ€™t give up
Least resistance will not do,
And you will not have my fatherly hand
To gently guide you through.
I would have loved you dearly,
Kissed and hugged you, held you tight,
Scared away the monsters
If they bothered you in the night.
Read special books to make you think
Like, โ€œGuess how much I love you.โ€
Played football, rough and tumble,
Given you experiences new.
But all I can leave you
Is my philosophy,
To live life fully, every day,
To love all those around you,
To laugh as you run and play.
Whatever you are doing,
Try to do it with a smile,
And always just remember,
Itโ€™s good to go the extra mile.
Please feel my virtual arms around you,
Protecting where I can,
The rest is down to you my son,
All the best dear โ€œlittle man.โ€

Lots of love
from your father,
Adrian xxxxxx

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