Alex Service and friends are taking on the three peak challenge in memory of his brother, David.

A LOVING brother will be raising money for Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) in a bid to save young lives.

It comes after Alex Service’s older sibling David Hill, above right, passed away aged just 30 while playing rugby at Donnybrook Stadium in Dublin last year.

Following David’s passing, the David Hill Memorial Fund has been set up by his devastated family and CRY to reduce the frequency of young sudden cardiac death by supporting CRY’s cardiac screening programme.

And now Alex – and a group of friends – will tackle a three peaks challenge in June to raise money for the fund.

“The climbing team includes myself, Angus Dykes, Finlay Degnan, Lee Martin, Aaron Gemmell, Josh Gemmell, David Hamilton, Stevie Wight and Gareth McCall.”

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