CRY is delighted to announce the new role of CRY Ambassador, a role that will be crucial to help us spread awareness of young sudden cardiac death and CRY’s work. CRY is therefore looking for those who have achieved recognition in their chosen field to work with the charity and deliver the key messages to their followers and fans.
Depending on their availability, the Ambassadors may be asked to attend an event to help raise its profile; back a campaign that CRY is launching and/or help spread CRY’s key messages via their own social media (and other media) platforms, among other requests.
We believe that most Ambassadors will become aware of CRY due to a personal connection, either through a CRY family or their own personal experience with a cardiac condition. We are keen for them to continue their current support of a CRY family, if appropriate, as well as helping the charity raise further awareness nationally.
If any CRY family would like to put forward a high profile supporter of their work, we would be pleased to consider them for an Ambassador role. Please either email or call the CRY office on 01737 363 222 to discuss further.

John Barrowman

Montana Rose Brown

Clive Clark

Ben Coleman

Arjun Coomaraswamy

Katy Jade Dobson

Callum Haggett