Ball raises cash in memory of Oliver

A summer ball held in memory of a baby who tragically died of a rare heart condition has raised thousands of pounds for charity.
The End of Summer Ball, organised by the North Cadbury Parent and Toddler Group, was held in a marquee in the grounds of North Cadbury Court in memory of Oliver Montague.

Oliver died in JanBall raises cash in memory of Oliver (picKeri)uary at the age of eight months of a rare heart disease and the money raised through the ball, ยฃ7,253, is being donated to CRY, a national charity which has been running for ten years and which aims to raise awareness of heart conditions in young people.

Oliverโ€™s mother Keri said she was keen to raise awareness of the charity in her sonโ€™s memory.

She said: โ€œThere is lots of work done for older people but CRY is about promoting awareness of heart conditions in younger people.

โ€œI got in contact with them when Oliver was still alive and diagnosed with a problem.

โ€œMy sonโ€™s heart condition was only picked up by luck. It is not something that a normal doctor is trained to see.

โ€œI say it was luck because we knew what the problem with Oliver was which to some extent prepared us in coming to terms with the terrible loss.โ€

โ€œIn Europe, tests on infants are already carried out as standard.Ball raises cash in memory of Oliver(picOliver)

โ€œI would go down to the parent and toddler group with Oliver when he was born so everyone knew him really well and they all wanted to do something to stop it happening to other people.

โ€œThere are no obvious symptoms and signs of this disease and they only did an ECG scan because his heart rate was fast when he was in the womb and that was when they discovered the problem.โ€

An auction and raffle were held during the ball with prizes donated by local and national organisations including Easyjet, Haynes Motor Museum and MILAN Electrical Contractors, who spent a week helping to set up the marquee.

North Cadbury Parent and Toddler Group meet every Wednesday morning, 10am to noon, at North Cadbury Village Hall.

All parents and children from newborn babies to four year olds are welcome.

For more details about the group contact Claire Harding on 01963 440474.