During the summer we started to inform local people that we would be holding over event over 2 days again in order to maximise the uptake of people attending. On the run up to our event we promoted our event via Facebook and Instagram on The Bethany Mycroft Memorial Fund and delivered promotional posters within the local community which were displayed from the end of October. The weekend before our event we carried out a leaflet drop within the local area and neighbouring villages. We were also lucky enough to harness the support of local media and local radio stations and our event was actively promoted by Peak Fm and Elastic FM.
It was early start on both days of our event but we were inundated with support and people attending our event. In addition to our cake and coffee sales we also sold a range of home made pickes, preserves and crafts which were very well received. We also held a raffle, tombola, bottle tombola, name the unicorn, chance to win a chocolate bouquet, guess the weight of the cake and a sealed bid for 2 homemade fruit Christmas cakes. This year also saw us launch Beth’s Boutique selling a vast range of quality new and used clothing, shoes and accessories which had all been donated.
This year as a trial we invested in credit and debit card facilities which we strongly believe was a big success and certainly helped contribute to the amount raised.
We held our event on Friday 23rd and Saturday 24th November 2018 and we raised £5003.42 with some monies still to come in.