Calum Mackintosh

Calum lived life at 100 miles an hour, always looking forward to the next challenge, whether that was sporting, educational or fun with his friends.
Everything was done with a huge smile, right up until the moment he died smiling at his friend.
We miss his positive outlook on life, cheeky banter, ability to include people in everything and his enthusiasm.
Our aim is to raise awareness and provide screenings for as many young people as possible so that other families will never have to experience our pain.
Life will never be the same without Cal.
This memorial fund has been set up by the family to help CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young) reduce the frequency of young sudden cardiac death through supporting CRY’s screening programme.
The aim is to fund the screening of young people within the local community.
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Make a donation
Ann Mackintosh
Donation from Spey Valley Rotary after the ceilidh in memory of Calum
Ann Mackintosh
Donation from Janette Goodfellow
Kate Robison
Ann Mackintosh
Donation from Lisa, Adam, James amd Isla + sale of quad bike.
Ann Mackintosh
Donation from Spey Valley Rotary Club - fundraising evening with Cameron McNeish