Welcome – This year marks the 33rd annual Christmas Puzzle I have set to raise money for charities. The
Puzzle receives entries from Australia, New Zealand, Cyprus, Malta and Ireland as well as from the
UK. The Puzzle should appeal to people who enjoy solving quality newspaper crossword puzzles
and this one is designed to help you finish – the Puzzle has an underlying theme so that, when
things start to get a bit tough, you should get more information to help you. Over the years the
Puzzle has raised almost £127,000 distributed among 96 good causes, including a donation of
£7,500 last year. As a result of this and other activities I was awarded a British Empire Medal as
part of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Birthday Honours.
Prize money – Every entrant could be a winner!
Everyone who enters will be entered into a draw to win one of five prizes, each of £10. In addition, I
will award three prizes each of £50 to the three highest scorers; if there are more than three
potential winners I will conduct a draw.