Christmas following a young sudden cardiac death

Christmas-Bereavement-Front-coverIn 2015 CRY launched a new booklet to guide parents, partners and siblings through the agony of Christmas following the sudden loss of a young person.

The booklet features 14 short chapters (written as a series of quotes) from men and women talking through their personal experience of facing the โ€œfestive seasonโ€ when all they want to do is hide away, ignore the fun and frivolities and treat it is as any other day.

The bereavement support team at CRY developed this latest booklet in the charityโ€™s โ€˜grief seriesโ€™*, knowing that bereaved families often find most solace, support and guidance from others who have been through a similar experience.

Alison Cox says; โ€œPreparing forโ€ฆChristmas is a prospect that haunts every family having to cope with the tragedy of a sudden cardiac death of a fit and healthy young person. Finding ways to confront and deal with this massive public event requires enormous courage. Finding the motivation to survive it is a huge challenge for most of our bereaved families. Whether father, mother, sibling, partner or loving friend, it produces a maelstrom of emotions that can dominate the last quarter of every year โ€“ and for the rest of their lives.

*previous booklets published in the Grief Series have included; โ€˜Mumsโ€™, โ€˜Dadsโ€™, โ€˜Siblingsโ€™, โ€˜Partnersโ€™, and Friends.

Read the booklet online here.

To order copies of the booklet please complete the form below.