We had a great screening on 14th & 15th June. In memory of my eldest son Simon Cullum who passed away on 8th June 2007.
Anyone who thinks they cannot raise the funds for a screening You Can! It took us 6 yrs and it was well worth the wait. We screened 155 young people and I was amazed how far people travelled, one lady drove over 3 hrs with her 3 sons, and another over 2 hrs. One lady did a very long train journey with her 2 daughters, all because there was no other screening in their area, so please letโs try and get as many as possible in different areas of the country.
The CRY team were brilliant and we had a lovely two days, so a Big Thank You to them.
The screening was held at Cliff Park High School which Simon attended, the school was keen to get involved and it was such a success we are going to book a one day for next year, in fact I would like to make it an annual thing.
In the pictures are myself with CRY research fellow Dr. Aneil Malhotra and Steve Sorentto vice principle at the school and also my good friend Judy Burton with Gareth and Peter from CRY.