CRY Parliamentary Reception 2010


Event host Sir Roger Gale MP

Event host Dr John Pugh MP
Event host Dr John Pugh MP

Event host Kevan Jones MP
Event host George Howarth MP

On Wednesday October 13th CRY held its annual Parliamentary Reception at Westminster. The event was hosted by Roger Gale MP, Dr John Pugh MP and The Rt. Hon. George Howarth MP and was the key event in CRYโ€™s Raising Awareness Week. With 2010 being CRYโ€™s 15th anniversary year, we were particularly delighted to have new CRY Patron Pixie Lott as Guest of Honour at the event.

The evening received fantastic cross-party support, with around 40 MPs attending the event to show their support for CRYโ€™s campaigning. We are very grateful to all those Parliamentarians who found the time to attend.

Other guests at the event were CRY supporters / families; CRY Surgery Supporters Network members; CRY Patrons Ben Brown, Simon Halliday and Roger Taylor MBE; representatives from corporate supporters Calor Gas; medical professionals; representatives from sporting organisations; CRY Trustees; CRY Research Fellows; CRY staff โ€“ and many others.

There were a number of speakers at the event โ€“ MC for the evening, Dr Julian Lewis MP (standing in for Roger Gale MP who was unwell); The Minister of State for Health, Simon Burns MP; CRY Consultant Cardiologist, Professor Sanjay Sharma; CRY Chief Executive, Alison Cox MBE; and CRY Surgery Supporters Network member, James Bailey. During her speech, Alison Cox presented Dr Julian Lewis MP with a painting to thank him for his tremendous support of CRY over the years.

As well as summarising CRYโ€™s achievements and growth over the 15 years of the charityโ€™s existence, speakers also talked about some of CRYโ€™s current and future initiatives. One important announcement was the imminent release of a CRY medical information DVD. This project was instigated by Gareth Mallon of the East Midlands Ambulance Service for distribution to Ambulance crews in his region; but the DVD will also be made available to all kinds of medical professionals throughout the UK.

Following the speeches, guests were treated to a surprise acoustic set by CRY Patron and Guest of Honour, Pixie Lott. Pixie sang three numbers to a very appreciative audience, before posing for photos with many of the guests. Pixieโ€™s appearance at Westminster was also filmed for CBBCโ€™s Newsround programme, with young guest Tom Phillips acting as interviewer for the piece.

The Reception received overwhelming positive feedback from those who attended, and it was a compelling reminder of CRYโ€™s various initiatives, and the importance of CRYโ€™s work.

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Simon Burns MP
Minister of State for Health
Pixie Lott
CRY Patron
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Professor Sanjay Sharma
CRY Consultant Cardiologist
Dr Julian Lewis MP
MC for the evening
(standing in for Roger Gale MP
who was unwell)
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Alison Cox MBE
CRY Chief Executive
James Bailey
Member of the CRY Surgery Supporters Network (SSN