This issue of CRY’s Research Highlights covers all of our research news, conferences, and developments from 2019.
As always, the CRY Conference in 2019 was a fantastic event, with some of the world’s leading experts in young sudden cardiac death and sports cardiology coming together to talk about their latest research. You can read all about the conference and watch videos of all the presentations on page 2.
In May 2019, we held the first CRY Family Research Day. This event gave supporters an opportunity to come and learn about the impact of CRY’s research and what it entails, from the work of our Research Fellows to Professor Mary Sheppard’s work at the CRY Centre for Cardiac Pathology (CRY CCP). You can read about the day and watch every talk on page 4.
To discuss more new research in detail, this issue also includes interviews with former CRY Research Fellows Dr Sabiha Gati and Dr Gherardo Finocchiaro on pages 6-9.
Finally, to help mark CRY’s 25th anniversary, there are two articles on pages 10-11 about the launch of the CRY Centre for Inherited Cardiovascular Conditions and Sports Cardiology, the CRY CCP, and their importance and development over the years.