Issue 85 of the CRY Update reports on all news, events and fundraising from May to August 2021.
From June, fundraising and screening levels started returning to pre-COVID levels as events around the country started picking up and we returned to holding regular screening events again. We also transformed the CRY office into a new National Screening Centre and started holding events there in July, allowing us to increase the number of screenings we can complete. You can read more about CRY’s return to screening on page 5.
On June 27, we marked the 15th anniversary of the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk, once again holding our flagship event as a virtual event as we did in 2020. Over 315 people around the country took part by completing walks in their own local areas, while speeches were broadcast live on CRY’s social media and we turned the homepage of our website into a virtual message wall. You can read all about the day on page 12.
Our last fundraising event of this period was the London Landmarks Half Marathon on August 1, as CRY was well represented by a fantastic team of 32 runners. You can read the full write-up of the event on page 11.
In her column in this issue of the Update, CRY Founder Alison Cox wrote about the impact on the family after a young sudden cardiac death. You can read Alison’s piece on page 10.
You can find the Our Fundraisers section starting on page 14.