Daniel Boughey

My son was so full of life, he loved it so much. I am not saying he was an angel, as at times he could be a right pain โ€“ thatโ€™s teenagers for a you. But a motherโ€™s love is unconditional, and I loved Daniel so much. He was my life and I would do anything for him โ€“ same as my other children Stuart and Jessica.

As all brothers and sisters, they had their ups and downs. He always had a smile on his face, and was forever making us laugh. I miss him so much โ€“ we all do.

Sunday 3rd September was a lovely family day, something that we canโ€™t always do due to work, etc. and Stu and Daniel wanting to do their own things. We went to the park and sat and had a family meal together. Little did I know that it was to be our last day all together, as Daniel went to bed that night and died in his sleep.

Stuart went to wake him in the morning โ€“ 4th September โ€“ and Daniel would not wake up. Iโ€™ve since found out that Daniel died of SADS, something I knew nothing about.

That day my life fell apart. Daniel showed no signs of SADS, and that is what I find so hard to come to terms with. You start to blame yourself.

He was a fit 14 year old boy, and you always ask yourself โ€œWhy?!โ€ When I went up to his room to him, I thought Stu had got it wrong and it was all a bad dream! I still think that he is going to walk into the room.

Its so hard knowing that the day before he was running around at the park with his best mate, and the next day he is gone. My life will never be the same again, but I have to carry on for my other two children โ€“ even though some days I donโ€™t want to.

As long as I am alive I will carry on Danielโ€™s life for him, and I hope in time that the old me will return โ€“ just how Daniel liked me!

He was never scared of showing his feelings, and always told me how much he loved me. Thank you Daniel for the best 14 years of your short life. I will always love you, and never forget the impact you made on our lives.

Mum (Karen Reece), Dad, Stu & Jess