Prof Aneil Malhotra

Prof. Aneil Malhotra MBBChir, MA(hons), MRCP, MSc.

Aneil qualified from the University of Cambridge (Emmanuel College) in 2006 and spent his Foundation years working in Cambridge and Papworth. He achieved his Membership of the Royal College of Physicians (2009) when he moved to Oxford to continue his specialist training in cardiology.

Along the way, he completed a Masters in Medical Leadership (2012). Having performed basic science research at Harvard University during his undergraduate training, he is currently undertaking a higher research degree in his particular interests of sports cardiology and inherited heart disease funded as a CRY research fellow, at St. Georgeโ€™s University of London, under the tutelage of Professor Sanjay Sharma.

His research areas of interest include the overlap between hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and the physiological adaption of the athleteโ€™s heart, as well as football screening.

Aneil also has a keen interest in medical education. He enjoys playing (but increasingly now watching) most sports and is an avid, albeit long suffering Tottenham Hotspur fan!

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