Friends set up tournament in memory of Jack

Talented teenager Jack Maddams may be gone but he certainly isnโ€™t forgotten.

Friends of the 17-year-old, who died in his sleep a month ago, are organising a charity five-a-side football tournament in his memory.

They hope 48 teams, including FA registered clubs, will sign up for the event which takes place at Strood Leisure Centre, from 11am on Saturday, May 31.

A barbecue, DJ and an auction of sports memorabilia, which includes a signed Spurs football shirt, will also be held on the day.

The money raised will go to the charity CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young) which raises awareness of Sudden Death Syndrome.

A Facebook group called Jack Maddams Football Tournament has been set up to provide those interested in attending the event with up-to-date information.

Jack, a popular pupil at Rochester Math School, will also be remembered by staff, governors and pupils during a tree-planting ceremony at the Maidstone Road School on Monday, May 12.

Jackโ€™s parents, Roger and Janet, his older brother Robert, grand-parents, aunts and uncles will also attend the ceremony.

Since Jackโ€™s death more than 600 people have joined the Face-book group RIP Jack Maddams.

The talented artist and footballer died at his home in Georgian Way, Wigmore, on Sunday, March 30.

An inquest was opened and adjourned after a post mortem failed to reveal the cause of death.

His funeral, which was held on what should have been hi 18th birthday, was attended by more than 300 people.

For information, or to sign up to the charity tournament, call Roger Maddams on 07905 607 706.

If you would like to make a donation visit