I See No Ravens
Although this day is dark and grey
Although this day I might lose my way
There is hope before me in the light
When towards new dawns I turn my sight
As the shroud of darkness begins to lift
And new beginnings stop the drift
There I see new ways to be
New horizons that beckon me
New paths to walk, new directions seen
Like emerging from a long dark dream
In the shadows now there are no omens
And now, at last, I see no Ravens!
Through parting clouds and clearing skies
I see my life now in reprise
What luck it was to have been given
That life which now I know resides in heaven
Note: I hope that in these lines I reflect a new beginning. That terrible loss of my son can never of course be forgotten, but I know that he would not wish us to dwell upon his loss. We must take up new ways – we can only live in the world as it is, and not as it was.
Richard Walker, November 2007