Jordan Hardwick
Jordan Reece Hardwick .18/03/98-5/04/23.
Our beloved Jordan was our eldest child and big brother to 5 siblings. On the 4th April, 2023, he was at home cooking dinner when he experienced severe chest pain. He called to tell me that an ambulance was with him and not to panic. He was taken to hospital where after tests, they found he had Aortic Dissection. We waited 3 hours for a transfer to St Barts. When the ambulance finally came, we boarded the ambulance and was just about to pull away when Jordan went into Cardiac Arrest. He was taken back into resus, where they attempted 45 minutes of CPR. Jordan’s heart never regained a rhythm and at 3:36am our world came crashing down.
Always loved, our darling Jordan, sleep tight. 💔
This memorial fund has been set up by the family to help CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young) raise awareness of young sudden cardiac death, support those affected, support CRY’s screening programme and fund research and pathology,
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Katie Barrowclough
suzie Mcdonough
Joanna Allen
Daniel Flett
This is the money we raised at Jordan’s birthday event. Happy birthday Jord💙