As you will be aware, you were previously asked to complete the Event Participation Policy form as the first step to confirming your CRY place. Even though you received medical clearance for the Virgin Money London Marathon 2020, as a large amount of time has elapsed since the form was first completed, we now require you to complete the Event Participation Policy form again. This is due to the fact your health could have changed since you last received medical clearance. Therefore, we require you to complete the medical form below.
In response to an increasing number of approaches to CRY by people who have, or are related to people with heart conditions and who also want to take part in physical challenges (running events, parachute jumps, overseas adventures treks, etc.) in aid of CRY, the Charity now has a policy relating to health checks, for the protection of individuals undertaking such activities.
If you tick a category that requires further action, it is in your interest to supply the required information as soon as possible. CRY has reserved a place for you, however, we still require documentation in the form of a letter or email from you that shows your cardiologist has agreed to your participation. Please note that individual doctors from CRY’s Centre for Inherited Cardiovascular Conditions at St George’s Hospital, Tooting, are not able to assist you unless that doctor is your cardiologist.