Mother of Gary Anderson who tragically died, has joined forces with bereaved mums to to call for NHS to heart screen all young people

Seemingly healthy Gary Anderson died from a heart attack at the age of 31. It was later discovered that a heart condition ran in his family. Now, a group of bereaved mums are calling for mandatory heart screenings on the NHS for everyone at 14

While he loved and thrived in his job, his family say his real passion was music, and would spend evenings and weekends at live gigs. In 2007, at the age of 18, he even performed on stage with Westlife.

Since his passing, Valerie has joined forces with other bereaved mums, who have lost children in the same way, with the help of CRY โ€“ Cardiac Risk in the Young โ€“ a charity which supports young people diagnosed with potentially life-threatening cardiac conditions, offers bereavement support to families, and promotes and develops heart screening.

Every week in the UK, 12 people under the age of 35 die of an undiagnosed heart condition, very often caused by an inherited heart muscle disease, also known as genetic cardiomyopathy.

The mothers are now calling on the government and the NHS to introduce heart screenings for everyone at the age of 14.

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