Robert David Fitzpatrick

“My wonderful boy. A kind, funny and generous young man with the cheekiest of smiles. We miss you so much.”
This memorial fund has been set up by the family to help CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young) raise awareness of young sudden cardiac death, support those affected, support CRY’s screening programme and fund research and pathology.
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Read Update 88 here! Issue 88 of the CRY Update magazine covers all news, events and fundraising from May to August 2022. During the four-month period, we screened over 7,000 people with 6,972 being screened at family screening events. Furthermore, CRY’s Research Team was recognised at the British Cardiac Society...

Read Update 88 here! Issue 88 of the CRY Update magazine covers all news, events and fundraising from May to August 2022. During the four-month period, we screened over 7,000 people with 6,972 being screened at family screening events. Furthermore, CRY’s Research Team was recognised at the British Cardiac Society...

Read Update 88 here! Issue 88 of the CRY Update magazine covers all news, events and fundraising from May to August 2022. During the four-month period, we screened over 7,000 people with 6,972 being screened at family screening events. Furthermore, CRY’s Research Team was recognised at the British Cardiac Society...
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roger thornton
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John Bosworth
Belatedly well done Susan!
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