If you would like to send out messages on CRY’s behalf we have scripted a few examples for you use.
Aged between 14 – 35? @CRY_UK offer free ECG heart screenings. For more info or to book visit www.testmyheart.org.uk #testmyheart #12AWeek
What is Sudden Adult Death Syndrome? @CRY_UK Consultant Cardiologist explains #SADS http://youtu.be/LQwFGQmTLBI
CRY’s research into #YSCD #SADS is aimed at reducing #12AWeek, Video attached about their research programme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFbkJ1rOso8
Support @CRY_UK with a RT – Help raise awareness of young sudden death & help save young lives http://youtu.be/TMG4eTGjn6s #12AWeek #12AWeek aged 35 & under die of #YSCD.
This is the story of 1 Father’s who’s child was one of them http://www.crydadsgrief.org/rachaels-story-by-bruce-lord/ #12AWeek
#12AWeek aged 35 & under die of #YSCD. This is the story of 1 sibling’s who’s Sister was one of them http://crysiblinggrief.org/anthonys-story-by-dawn-iverson/ #12AWeek
[facebook_embedded_post href=”https://www.facebook.com/CardiacRiskintheYoung/posts/805577222803125″]
Aged between 14 – 35? Cardiac Risk in the Young offer free ECG heart screenings. For more info or to book visit www.testmyheart.org.uk #testmyheart #12AWeek
Every week in the UK at least 12 young people die suddenly from undiagnosed heart conditions. CRY works to reduce this number and offer support for those who are affected by young sudden cardiac death.
Cardiac Risk in the Young’s annual Bereavement Support events consist of several Regional Bereavement Support Days around the UK, plus a number of National Bereavement Support Days in Birmingham, specifically for Partners, Mums, Dads and Siblings.
Dates and venues for upcoming CRY Bereavement Support Days http://www.c-r-y.org.uk/bereavement-support-days
Every week in the UK at least 12 young people die suddenly from undiagnosed heart conditions #12AWeek www.c-r-y.org.uk
Raising awareness video about Cardiac Risk in the Young with voice over from CRY patron Ian #12AWeek #testmyhearthttp://youtu.be/TMG4eTGjn6s
Cardiac Risk in the Young offer bereavement support for those that have lost someone to Young Sudden Cardiac Death & Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. This is a list of the dates available for our bereavement meetings this year. http://bit.ly/1elPyYo