CRY great cake bake and coffee morning in memory of Jamie Loncaster

Once again, Graham, Jenny & Ross Loncaster hosted a fundraising coffee morning in memory of their youngest son, Jamie, who passed away in March 2015. The event was held at St. Barnabas Church Hall, Swanland and preparations for the day started way back in June! Along the way, the family had a great deal of help

Great cake bake in memory of Danielle Rowe

After losing my 24-year-old daughter in May 2016 to SCD, I became aware of CRY and the great work they do. When the cake bake day came up, I knew immediately that as I had some excellent cake bakers where I work, I wanted to take part in it. I had 15 people bake for the

Great cake bake in memory of Morgan Evans

I held the Great Cake Bake at my work yesterday in memory of my brother Morgan Evans. We raised £135.02!! We had some great banter as Morgan was always up laugh and decided to have a go at our own Mannequin Challenge. It’s by far not perfect but we did it in just a couple of

Great cake bake in memory of Bethany Mycroft

Our Great Cake Bake was held on Friday 25th November 2016 in memory of Bethany Mycroft who sadly passed away on the 22nd March 2015. We organised a full day cake and coffee charity event from 9am until 6pm to ensure that Bethany’s friends and family that wanted to attend were able to do so. In

Annual Christmas carol concert in memory of Ella Keeler

Our local Girlguiding group held their annual Christmas carol concert at the beginning of December, each year the collection goes to a nominated charity. I put forward CRY and it was agreed. I spoke during the service about what the charity does and we prayed for my friend Ella Keeler who passed away from an undiagnosed

Charity Race Night in memory of Danielle Rowe

On Saturday December 3rd 2016, a charity race night with auction and raffle was held for Cardiac Risk in the Young. The venue was Allscott Sports & Social Club in Telford and was attended by members, family and friends. A lot of hard work went into making this event a success by Peter Starling who is