CRY Update Magazine 75

CRY Update 75 reports on all CRY news, events and fundraising from January to April 2018. We experienced a host of highlights through this four-month period. In March, our screening programme surpassed a total of 150,000 young people screened, which is an incredible milestone for us to reach. Furthermore, to discuss our progress and the importance

CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2018

There are 12 young sudden cardiac deaths in the UK every week. Itโ€™s why the number 12 is such an important figure to CRY and everyone who supports us. And as CRY staff, volunteers and 1,375 walkers gathered together in London on June 24th, we held our 12th annual CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk. The

Coping with Fatherโ€™s Day by Alison Cox MBE

Fathers Day comes at a time of the year when Dads are happily poised, anticipating the prospect of being able to spend warm summer evenings enjoying outside activities with their family. Children love this time of year too. However the excruciating burden of coping with your feelings after a child has died suddenly changes the perspective

The critical issue of family screening

The critical issue of family screening โ€“ Alisonโ€™s Column Update 74 In 1995 when I started taking calls โ€“ nearly always from distraught mothers after the sudden death of their child โ€“ one of the most important things I knew that I needed to clarify was whether they had any other children because of the risk of

The development of CRYโ€™s bereavement support programme

The development of CRYโ€™s bereavement support programme โ€“ Alisonโ€™s Column Update 73 When I started CRY in 1995, I increasingly became aware of how affected families were left floundering not only for an explanation as to what could possibly have caused their tragedy, but also some understanding as to how much it was happening, as well

CRY Update Magazine 73

Read Update 73 here. CRY Update 73 reports on all the CRY news, events and fundraising from May to August 2017. In June, CRY launched a new version of its main website. The site immediately saw the number of visitors double in the first month and has consistently recorded more visitors per month than before the

CRY Parliamentary Reception 2017

  CRYโ€™s 16th annual Parliamentary Reception, hosted by Kevan Jones MP (Labour), was a glowing success and featured a wide range of speakers, indicating the strength of support that CRY has from all areas of the UK. The House of Commons Terrace Pavilion was full with CRY families, current and former CRY Research Fellows, Trustees, Representatives,

CRY launches new support booklet for friends

Leading heart charity has developed new support resources in recognition of the massive impact a young sudden cardiac death has on friends. The charity Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) is this month [13 November 2017] launching a powerful new booklet for young people learning to navigate their emotions following the tragic and sudden death of

Coroners campaign

In June 2010 the new Coalition Government announced its decision to axe the role of Chief Coroner and Medical Officer โ€“ which had previously been accepted as an essential part of a new, reformed Coroners Service for the 21st century; along with a National Charter and Code of Practice. Expert opinion at the time suggested that

CRY Update Magazine 72

Read Update 72 here. CRY Update 72 reports on all the CRY news, events and fundraising from January to April 2017. February saw over 20 yearsโ€™ worth of CRY research help to inform new international ECG guidelines for screening athletes, led by CRY Consultant Cardiologist Professor Sanjay Sharma. Our work is making a difference and gaining