CRY Update Magazine Issue 88

Read Update 88 here! Issue 88 of the CRY Update magazine covers all news, events and fundraising from May to August 2022. During the four-month period, we screened over 7,000 people with 6,972 being screened at family screening events. Furthermore, CRYโ€™s Research Team was recognised at the British Cardiac Society with some members even receiving awards.

Santa Fundraiser!

We battered against the weather and created our grottos. We did in two places in Urmston, our home town. Both supported us really well. We had our Xmas hampers made by my previous primary school where I was deputy head and also Wythenshawe Hospital Cystic Fibrosis Unit staff. Our santas did a fantastic job and there

CRY Update Magazine Issue 84

Read issue 84 of the CRY Update magazine here Issue 84 of the CRY Update reports on all news, events and fundraising from January to April 2021. In February as Heart Month began, we introduced an exciting new fundraising initiative: the 25 Million Metre Challenge. Supporters could take part individually or in teams as we collectively

CRY Update Magazine Issue 83

Read Issue 83 of the CRY Update magazine here Issue 83 of the CRY Update reports on all news, events and fundraising from September to December 2020. Even with continued restrictions and lockdowns due to the COVID-19 pandemic, CRYโ€™s supporters remained active and engaged as always to raise funds and awareness however they could. On October

CRY Update Magazine Issue 81

Click here to read Update 81 Issue 81 of the CRY Update reports on all news, events and fundraising from January to April 2020. This is also the first issue of our new and improved digital editions of the Update, featuring links throughout that will take you straight to relevant pages on the CRY website, social

Update Magazine Issue 77

Read Update 77 here CRY Update 77 reports on all news, events and fundraising from September to December 2018. There were plenty of major events throughout this four-month period. We were thrilled to be so well represented at the Great North Run on September 9, with 50 runners taking part for CRY. You can read a

CRY Update Magazine 75

CRY Update 75 reports on all CRY news, events and fundraising from January to April 2018. We experienced a host of highlights through this four-month period. In March, our screening programme surpassed a total of 150,000 young people screened, which is an incredible milestone for us to reach. Furthermore, to discuss our progress and the importance

CRY Update Magazine 74

Read Update 74 here CRY Update 74 reports on all the CRY news, events and fundraising from September to December 2017. October was an important month for research with the annual CRY Conference in London. A wide range of experts presented, including several CRY Research Fellows, CRY Consultant Cardiologist Professor Sanjay Sharma and Professor Mary Sheppard,

CRY Heart of Durham Walk 2017

Over 230 CRY supporters took part in the 8th CRY Durham Walk, newly rebranded as the CRY Heart of Durham Walk, to reflect the revised route which includes Durhamโ€™s historical City Centre. Thank you to everyone who attended and helped to make the day so special. It was, as always, an emotional sight to see everyone

CRY Update magazine 71

Read Update 71 here CRY Update 71 reports on all the CRY news, events and fundraising from September to December 2016. In this period, we held our annual Raising Awareness Week โ€“ including our most successful CRY Great Cake Bake yet. We also saw fantastic support for the Great North Run in September with over 70 runners