Preventing young sudden cardiac deaths through awareness, screening and research, and supporting affected families.


Update Magazine Issue 77

Read Update 77 here CRY Update 77 reports on all news, events and fundraising from September to December 2018. There were plenty of major events throughout this four-month period. We were thrilled to be so well represented at the Great North Run on September 9, with 50 runners taking part for CRY. You can read a

CRY Update magazine 71

Read Update 71 here CRY Update 71 reports on all the CRY news, events and fundraising from September to December 2016. In this period, we held our annual Raising Awareness Week – including our most successful CRY Great Cake Bake yet. We also saw fantastic support for the Great North Run in September with over 70 runners

CRY Update Magazine 62

Read Update 62 online here “Traditionally we have found that the last few months of the year are a very busy time, often with several major fundraising and raising awareness activities taking place. September finds our runners busy in the Great North Run and Run to the Beat events; whilst in October our annual Durham Riverside