Clinical significance of electrocardiographic right ventricular hypertrophy in athletes: comparison with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy and pulmonary hypertension

Zaidi, A., Ghani, S., Sheikh, N., Gati, S., Bastiaenen, R., Madden, B., Papadakis, M., Raju, H., Reed, M., Sharma, R., Behr, E.R., and Sharma, S.”Clinical significance of electrocardiographic right ventricular hypertrophy in athletes: comparison with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy and pulmonary hypertension.”European Heart Journal 17th September 2013  [Abstract]


Every week in the UK, 12 apparently fit and healthy young aged 35 and under die from undiagnosed cardiac conditions. Papadakis, M., Sharma, S., Cox, S., Sheppard, M.N., Panoulas, V.F. and Behr, E.R. “The magnitude of sudden cardiac death in the young: a death certificate-based review in England and Wales.” Europace 2009 Vol.11, No.10, p1353-1358  [Abstract] A national programme

Inherited cardiomyopathies

Raju, H., Alberg, C., Sagoo, G.S., Burton, H. and Behr, E.R. “Inherited cardiomyopathies” British Medical Journal 2011  [Full Text]

CRY Update Magazine 52

Read Update 52 online here The CRY Update is the charity’s newsletter, published three times a year, reporting on CRY news and events, cardiac screenings, breaking developments in medical research and CRY supporters’ fundraising over the preceding months.