Read the magazine here Issue 64 of the CRY Update looks back at a busy CRY summer from May to August 2014. Our flagship raising awareness event, the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk, features in this issue with a full report and photos from the day. Also prominent is our Patron Pixie Lott’s terrific tour
Abbas Zaidi
CRY Update Magazine 54
Read Update 54 online here The CRY Update is the charity’s newsletter, published three times a year, reporting on CRY news and events, cardiac screenings, breaking developments in medical research and CRY supporters’ fundraising over the preceding months.
CRY Update Magazine 56
Read Update 56 online here The CRY Update is the charity’s newsletter, published three times a year, reporting on CRY news and events, cardiac screenings, breaking developments in medical research and CRY supporters’ fundraising over the preceding months.
CRY Update Magazine 58
Read Update 58 online here The CRY Update is the charity’s newsletter, published three times a year, reporting on CRY news and events, cardiac screenings, breaking developments in medical research and CRY supporters’ fundraising over the preceding months.
CRY Update Magazine 62
Read Update 62 online here “Traditionally we have found that the last few months of the year are a very busy time, often with several major fundraising and raising awareness activities taking place. September finds our runners busy in the Great North Run and Run to the Beat events; whilst in October our annual Durham Riverside
CRY at The Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition 2012
6 days, 2 press briefings, over 10,000 visitors, over 200 blog posts, more than 300 ECGs performed, around 1 million miles clocked up on the CRY exercise bike (Wattbike), 20 team members working round the clock, 6 CRY Research Fellows, 1 Professor….all adds up to one amazing week for CRY at the Royal Society’s Summer Exhibition 2012.
Comparison of ECG Criteria for the Detection of Cardiac Abnormalities in Elite Black and White Athletes
Sheikh, N., Papadakis, M., Ghani, S., Zaidi, A., Gati, S., Adami, P., Carre, F., Schnell, F., Avila, P., Wilson, M., McKenna, W. and Sharma, S. “Comparison of ECG Criteria for the Detection of Cardiac Abnormalities in Elite Black and White Athletes.” Circulation March 2014 [Abstract]
Interview with Dr Abbas Zaidi
CRY Research Fellow, Dr Abbas Zaidi, had the editorial article ‘Exercise-induced arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy: fact or fallacy?’ published in the European Heart Journal (December 2011). [Extract here] CRY Communications Officer, Mair Shepherd, caught up with him to find out more about this article. Why did you write this paper? We wrote this paper in response
Interview with Dr Abbas Zaidi
CRY Research Fellow, Dr Abbas Zaidi, had the article ‘Physiological Right Ventricular Adaptation in Elite Athletes of African and Afro-Caribbean Origin’ published in the journal ‘Circulation’ (April 2013). [Full text here] CRY Communications Officer, Mair Shepherd, caught up with him to find out more about this article. What was your research about? We know that when
The Pete Hinchliffe Travel Award for Medics (2012)
The Pete Hinchliffe Travel Award for Medics 2012 was awarded to Dr Abbas Zaidi. He was awarded the prize in 2013, in recognition of being the most outstanding CRY Research Fellow throughout 2012. The award provides a grant of £1,000 to allow Dr Zaidi to travel to international conferences to showcase his research findings and learn