Read Update 50 online here The CRY Update is the charity’s newsletter, published three times a year, reporting on CRY news and events, cardiac screenings, breaking developments in medical research and CRY supporters’ fundraising over the preceding months.
Fabian Maingot
CRY Update Magazine 64
Read the magazine here Issue 64 of the CRY Update looks back at a busy CRY summer from May to August 2014. Our flagship raising awareness event, the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk, features in this issue with a full report and photos from the day. Also prominent is our Patron Pixie Lott’s terrific tour
CRY Update Magazine 61
Read Update 61 online here In this issue: • ‘Young Sudden Cardiac Death: A Father’s Grief’ booklet launch, page 10 • Justice for James: Reopening the Inquest into the death of James Markham, page 10-12 • CRY at the British Cardiovascular Society (BCS) Conference, page 17-18 • CRY Golf Day 2013, page 18 • West ’12
'Auction of Promises' in memory of Fabian Maingot
The Maingot family was six – Dad, Steve; Mum, Jacqueline; sons, Stefan and Fabian; and daughters, Candice and Elise. The family connection with CRY was as a result of Fabian’s sudden death, during a school football match at Twickenham, fifteen years ago. This year, with his school (The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School), The Vaughan Foundation and
Concert in memory of Fabian Maingot
11th March 2009 A special concert at the Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School in West Kensington celebrated the life of a pupil who died aged just 18. Fabian Maingot, who was a pupil at Cardinal Vaughan, died suddenly of heart disease 10 years ago this month. The school’s Big Band, of which he was once a member,