CRY Update Magazine 75

CRY Update 75 reports on all CRY news, events and fundraising from January to April 2018. We experienced a host of highlights through this four-month period. In March, our screening programme surpassed a total of 150,000 young people screened, which is an incredible milestone for us to reach. Furthermore, to discuss our progress and the importance

CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2018

There are 12 young sudden cardiac deaths in the UK every week. Itโ€™s why the number 12 is such an important figure to CRY and everyone who supports us. And as CRY staff, volunteers and 1,375 walkers gathered together in London on June 24th, we held our 12th annual CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk. The

CRY Update Magazine 73

Read Update 73 here. CRY Update 73 reports on all the CRY news, events and fundraising from May to August 2017. In June, CRY launched a new version of its main website. The site immediately saw the number of visitors double in the first month and has consistently recorded more visitors per month than before the

Team Talk โ€“ Tonbridge Angels FC

Kent Online, 18th December 2017 Roger Maddams of Tonbridge Angels FC talks about the importance of heart screenings for players, after the club screens itโ€™s 1000 young person through CRY. Watch here (Interview starts at 9 minutes)

Football Fightback Screening

The Tonbridge Angels FC screening in memory of Jack Maddams took place on the 18th & 19th February 2017. It was funded from the Football Fightback Memorial Fund, and 191 young people were screened over the two days.

CRY Update Magazine 72

Read Update 72 here. CRY Update 72 reports on all the CRY news, events and fundraising from January to April 2017. February saw over 20 yearsโ€™ worth of CRY research help to inform new international ECG guidelines for screening athletes, led by CRY Consultant Cardiologist Professor Sanjay Sharma. Our work is making a difference and gaining

11th Annual CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2017

On Sunday 9th July 1,423 walkers assembled in Londonโ€™s Potters Fields Park for CRYโ€™s annual Heart of London Bridges Walk. A warm and sunny morning, this was the 11th year of CRYโ€™s flagship event and the 2nd year of a new start venue of Potters Fields Park, on the banks of the Thames and providing a

CRY Update magazine 71

Read Update 71 here CRY Update 71 reports on all the CRY news, events and fundraising from September to December 2016. In this period, we held our annual Raising Awareness Week โ€“ including our most successful CRY Great Cake Bake yet. We also saw fantastic support for the Great North Run in September with over 70 runners

Tonbridge football club raises more than ยฃ33,000 for heart screenings

BBC News โ€“ 18th February 2017 A football club where two players died suddenly of undetected heart problems has raised more than ยฃ33,000 to screen players and supporters across Kent. Around 900 people have been screened so far, thanks to the fundraising efforts of the football club. Read more