Golf Day in memory of Neil Cummins

On Friday 8th September 2023, 78 Golfers attended West Middlesex Golf Club to pay tribute to their friend Neil Cummins who sadly passed away in April 2021. Neil was well known in the London Irish Community and was a member of the London Irish Walking Football team and an avid supporter of the Republic of [โ€ฆ]

CRY Update Magazine Issue 88

Read Update 88 here! Issue 88 of the CRY Update magazine covers all news, events and fundraising from May to August 2022. During the four-month period, we screened over 7,000 people with 6,972 being screened at family screening events. Furthermore, CRYโ€™s Research Team was recognised at the British Cardiac Society with some members even receiving awards.

Neil Cummins Memorial Golf Day

On Friday 19th August 2022, 78 Golfers attended West Middlesex Golf Club to pay tribute to their friend Neil Cummins who sadly passed away in April 2021 Neil was well known in the London Irish Community and was a member of the London Irish Walking Football team and an avid supporter of the Republic of Ireland

Update Magazine Issue 86

Read CRY Update 86 here Issue 86 of the CRY Update magazine covers all news, events and fundraising from September to December 2021. There were a lot of major fundraising events in this four-month period after so many had been cancelled over the last two years due to the pandemic. This started with the Great North

CRY Update Magazine Issue 85

Read Update Magazine Issue 85 here Issue 85 of the CRY Update reports on all news, events and fundraising from May to August 2021. From June, fundraising and screening levels started returning to pre-COVID levels as events around the country started picking up and we returned to holding regular screening events again. We also transformed the

Neil Cummins Memorial Golf Day 30th July 2021

On Friday 30th July 2021, 75 Golfers attended West Middlesex Golf Club to pay tribute to their friend Neil Cummins who sadly passed away earlier in the year in April 2021. Neil was well known in the London Irish Community and was a member of the London Irish Walking Football team and an avid supporter of