Basavarajaiah, S., Boraita, A., Whyte, G., Wilson, M., Carby, L., Shah, A. and Sharma, S. “Ethnic differences in left ventricular remodeling in highly-trained athletes relevance to differentiating physiologic left ventricular hypertrophy from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.” Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2008 Vol.51, No.23, p2256-2262 [Abstract]
Professor Sanjay Sharma
Treat the patient not the blood test: the implications of an increase in cardiac troponin after prolonged endurance exercise
Whyte, G., Stephens, N., Senior, R., George, K., Shave, R., Wilson, M. and Sharma, S. “Treat the patient not the blood test: the implications of an increase in cardiac troponin after prolonged endurance exercise.” British Journal of Sports Medicine 2007 Vol.41, No.9, p613-615 [Abstract]
Arrhythmias and the athlete: mechanisms and clinical significance
Whyte, G.P., Sheppard, M., George, K.P., Shave, R.E., Wilson, M., Stephens, N., Senior, R. and Sharma, S. “Arrhythmias and the athlete: mechanisms and clinical significance.” European Heart Journal 2007 Vol.28, No.11, p1399-1401 [Full Text]
Prevalence and significance of an isolated long QT interval in elite athletes
Basavarajaiah, S., Wilson, M., Whyte, G., Shah, A., Behr, E. and Sharma, S. “Prevalence and significance of an isolated long QT interval in elite athletes.” European Heart Journal 2007 Vol.28, No.23, p2944-2949 [Full Text]
Physiological upper limits of left ventricular dimensions in highly trained junior tennis players
Basavarajaiah, S., Wilson, M., Naghavi, R., Whyte, G., Turner, M. and Sharma, S. “Physiological upper limits of left ventricular dimensions in highly trained junior tennis players.” British Journal of Sports Medicine 2007 Vol.41, No.11, p784-788 [Abstract]
CRY Update Magazine 44
Read Update 44 online here The CRY Update is the charity’s newsletter, published three times a year, reporting on CRY news and events, cardiac screenings, breaking developments in medical research and CRY supporters’ fundraising over the preceding months.
Physiological upper limits of left atrial diameter in highly trained adolescent athletes
Basavarajaiah, S., Makan, J., Reza Naghavi, S.H., Whyte, G., Gati, S. and Sharma, S. “Physiological upper limits of left atrial diameter in highly trained adolescent athletes.” Journal of the American College of Cardiology June 2006 Vol.47, p2341-2342 [Full Text]
Physiological left ventricular hypertrophy or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in an elite adolescent athlete: role of detraining in resolving the clinical dilemma
Basavarajaiah, S., Wilson, M., Junagde, S., Jackson, G., Whyte, G., Sharma, S. and Roberts, W.O. “Physiological left ventricular hypertrophy or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in an elite adolescent athlete: role of detraining in resolving the clinical dilemma.” British Journal of Sports Medicine 2006 Vol.40, No.8, p727-729 [Abstract]
Physiological upper limits of ventricular cavity size in highly trained adolescent athletes
Makan, J., Sharma, S., Firoozi, S., Whyte, G., Jackson, P.G. and McKenna, W.J. “Physiological upper limits of ventricular cavity size in highly trained adolescent athletes” Heart 2005 Vol.91, No.4, p495-499 [Full Text]
Athlete’s heart or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy?
Gati, S., Basavarajaiah, S. and Sharma, S. “Athlete’s heart or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy?” 4th European Sports Medicine Congress 2005