The Diagnostic Yield of Brugada Syndrome After Sudden Death With Normal Autopsy Michael Papadakis, Efstathios Papatheodorou, Greg Mellor, Hariharan Raju, Rachel Bastiaenen, Yanushi Wijeyeratne, Sara Wasim, Bode Ensam, Gherardo Finocchiaro, Belinda Gray, Aneil Malhotra, Andrew D’Silva, Nina Edwards, Della Cole, Virginia Attard, Velislav N. Batchvarov, Maria Tome-Esteban, Tessa Homfray, Mary N. Sheppard, Sanjay Sharma and Elijah R. Behr The Diagnostic Yield of Brugada Syndrome After Sudden Death

CRY fears families could be “falsely reassured” after a young sudden cardiac death

Dr Steven Cox explains how new, CRY-funded research (published today) raises the question of whether suddenly bereaved families are being correctly assessed Alongside our pioneering screening programme and unique bereavement support network, research is central to CRY’s mission to prevent young sudden cardiac death. There has been an overwhelming reaction – both in the UK and

Charity fears families could be “falsely reasurred” after a Young Sudden Cardiac Death

Newly published research raises the question of whether suddenly bereaved families are being correctly assessed Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY), the charity supporting the landmark research published online today in the prestigious journal, JACC [Journal of the American College of Cardiology] is calling for all families to be referred to specialist cardiology centres following the

The development of CRY’s bereavement support programme

The development of CRY’s bereavement support programme – Alison’s Column Update 73 When I started CRY in 1995, I increasingly became aware of how affected families were left floundering not only for an explanation as to what could possibly have caused their tragedy, but also some understanding as to how much it was happening, as well

Response by Merghani et al to Letters Regarding Article, ‘Prevalence of Subclinical Coronary Artery Disease in Masters Endurance Athletes With a Low Atherosclerotic Risk Profile.’

Ahmed Merghani, Viviana Maestrini, Stefania Rosmini, Andrew T. Cox, Harshil Dhutia, Rachel Bastiaenan, Sarojini David, Tee Joo Yeo, Rajay Narain, Aneil Malhotra, Michael Papadakis, Mathew G. Wilson, Maite Tome, Khaled AlFakih, James C. Moon, Sanjay Sharma Response by Merghani et al to Letters Regarding Article, ‘Prevalence of Subclinical Coronary Artery Disease in Masters Endurance Athletes With

CRY Update Magazine 73

Read Update 73 here. CRY Update 73 reports on all the CRY news, events and fundraising from May to August 2017. In June, CRY launched a new version of its main website. The site immediately saw the number of visitors double in the first month and has consistently recorded more visitors per month than before the