CRY Update Magazine Issue 94

Update Magazine 94 is out now!
This edition features articles on Heart of London Bridges Walk, a review of the 12 a week campaign, research updates, fundraising event highlights, and much more!

Kavi smashes his CRY fundraising target for six

Kavi Luchowa raised more than six times his target amount for CRY when running in memory of Tom Clabburn at the Ealing Half-Marathon. Having aimed to raise £300, Kavi’s total currently stands at more than £2,000 after his employer, Smartodds, matched the amount he raised up to £1,000. Smartodds posted the message “Amazing work, Kavi […]

100 Screened by CRY in Ealing

One hundred young people aged between 14-35 had their hearts screened for free by Cardiac Risk in the Young in Ealing on Sunday, 4th February. Seven people were referred for further tests. The event, hosted for the third year in a row by Trailfinders Sports Club in Vallis Way, was sponsored by Tom and Claire’s […]

Ealing Trailfinders 1871 Podcast featuring CRY Supporter, Paul Clabburn

Ealing Trailfinders 1871 Podcast featuring CRY Supporter, Paul Clabburn Founder of the Tom Clabburn Fund, Paul Clabburn, talks at a CRY screening about the work he has done organising heart screenings in memory of his son, Tom. Dr Nikhil Chatrath also features talking about his work as a CRY Research Fellow at screening events. With thanks

More than 190 young people screened by CRY in Ealing

Two days of free CRY heart screenings sponsored by Tom and Claire’s Fund took place at Trailfinders Sports Club in Ealing on Saturday, February 4 and Sunday, February 5. Ninety-three young people aged 14-35 were screened on the first day and ninety-nine on the second. A total of seven were referred following their screening. Tony Hill,

More than 90 screened by CRY in west London

A total of 99 young people aged 14-35 received free cardiac screening from CRY at the Olympic Pavilion, Trailfinders, Ealing, on Sunday, November 13. Six people were referred for follow-up tests after the event, sponsored by Tom and Claire’s Fund. Ellen Clabburn said: “We’re very grateful to Trailfinders for once again playing host. We knew it

The importance of CRY’s Heart of London Bridges Walk

From the CRY Update magazine issue 86, this column is written by CRY Founder Alison Cox MBE. It is significant that CRY’s annual Heart of London Bridges Walk has become such a massive feature in the CRY calendar that we start preparing for it immediately after the previous one has finished.The power of our families coming

Inspiring people segment of Nicky Campbell BBC Radio Show Segment starts at 2:30 in. During the Nicky Campbell show the topic turned to inspiring people. Guest talk about those that have inspired them, mention avid CRY support Claire Prosser and her activities supporting CRY in memory of her son Tom, during her time working in BBC Radio.