Viva Las Vegas as car park becomes a ballroom

A city centre car park is being transferred into a glitzy Las Vegas casino for a night of fun by young property professionals.

The top floor of Q Park, the multi-storey car park in Swinegate, Leeds, is the venue for the event being organised by Matrics, the organisation for younger members of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. The third annual ball is on July 7 and the Matrics committee is confident that the event will raise temperatures for all who attend.

The ball has a Viva Las Vegas theme and will include a three-course dinner and live band. Matrics chairman Adam Verley said:

"Tickets are selling fast and we are expecting a full house of 400 property professionals.

Proceeds to CRY, the charity which funds research and screening for Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.

The event is sponsored by businesses from across the region, including Q Park, Judd Farris, Carey Jones Architects, Rhodar, Colliers CRE, Atisreal, King Sturge, Estates Gazette, Walker Morris, Anderson Advertising and Above and Beyond Architects.

Tickets, at ยฃ70 including a free bar, from Sarah Hartley-Jones at RICS on 01924 229300.