Wolverhampton man gets Pride of Britain nomination after screening young hearts in memory of brother

A man from Wolverhampton who lost his brother to sudden cardiac arrest, has been nominated for a Pride of Britain award for his fundraising efforts.

Kulbir Nagra and his family have been fundraising to hold heart screenings around Wolverhampton and the Midlands since 2009. 

His brother Pardeep Nagra was a healthy, hockey playing 26-year-old when he died of sudden cardiac arrest while out with friends in 2008.

His family were devastated by his death โ€“ and are now working to prevent other families going through the same pain. 

They believe a heart screening could have helped spot his heart issue and could have saved his life.

Pride of Britain nominee, Kulbir Nagra said: โ€œItโ€™s very traumatic. Itโ€™s devastating for any parent or sibling to lose a loved one. 

โ€œNo parent should ever have to lay their child to rest.โ€

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